Annette Hollis

websites & logos


Website Design

I specialise in bespoke hand-coded websites that are unique, fast, and easy to navigate.

My passion lies in developing a site that is useful, robust, interesting and aesthetically appealing. I like a project that presents a challenge and am just as happy to take on the design and build of an everyday service industry site as that of an acclaimed creative freelancer.

Clients benefits:

  • A very fast site — lightweight with minimum code, designed to deal with the specific task at hand — a tailored solution, not a one-size-fits-all.
  • A unique site — as the site is built around particular content and requirements, it will secure your identity.
  • A structurally sound site — my formal website development studies have equipped me with the requisite procedures and processes for ensuring a robust website.
  • A truly responsive site — each viewport size considered and tested with the actual content to ensure that user expectations are fulfilled on all devices — not just a fixed framework as found on pre-built sites.
  • An accessible site — best practice dictates that consideration is given to accessibility for those with disabilities, including those who require assistive technologies to access information. These best practices are seamlessly melded within the visual design and infrastructure. The same best practices will also enhance the Search Engine Optimisation.
  • No need for tedious frequent updates or maintenance for security — avoid the common vulnerabilities found in many pre-built systems with a website that uses modern code along with content contained in flat files rather than a database.
  • An aesthetically pleasing site — a very important aspect, the site needs to engage in order to inform. My art school studies revealed to me the benefits of trusting the subconscious aesthetic understanding in conjunction with the trained capability. I will deliver a clean-cut elegant and powerful website.

Together we will look at the heart of your product or service to develop a site that reflects your vision and presents your visitor with a clearly defined path to information or action . . . . a path that engages and delights while informing and directing!

Logo Design

Polish your online identity with a new logo or refresh your current logo! Not just a pretty face, your logo should be working hard for you — it is the key to your identity, your silent partner in persuasion, it symbolises and suggests, unlocks your past and points to your potential.

Design Extras

Your website may benefit from various extra components to enhance user experience. A photo montage or composite, air-brush correction, or animated graphics can inform or add interest.

Website Portfolio

A portfolio of my website and logo work with case study outlines is available — click the arrow above.

fine art

Taken from life and created by hand

New page under construction!

Meanwhile . . . . .

I draw with the Tamborine Mountain Life Drawing Artists, for details please visit my website by clicking the logo:

Life Drawing LIfe logo

In May 2024 our life drawing group took part in the Tamborine Mountain Arts Trail, here is a video showing some of my work:


contact: Annette Hollis
phone: 0498 266 705
office: Tamborine Mountain

heart leaf © 2017 ANNETTE HOLLIS